The Luna Zadar bouquet from Maxifleur adds a subtle enchantment to your interior. This unique, handcrafted bouquet combines artificial flowers and foliage in a harmonious way. It includes vibrant Curcuma, graceful Nigella branches, colorful Poppy, elegant Anemone stems, and a playful berry branch. Each element has been carefully selected and hand-tied by experienced florists, resulting in a beautiful and natural-looking display. This bouquet offers a low-maintenance solution for long-lasting beauty and is perfect for adding a touch of magic to any space.
This bouquet is sold separately from the decorative vase shown.
Specifications of the Luna Zadar Artificial Bouquet:
The Luna Zadar is a handcrafted artificial bouquet with blue hues. The mix of flowers gives a luxurious appearance with a playful accent. The total height is 50 centimeters, and the width is 35 centimeters. The height from the top of the vase to the top of the bouquet is 35 centimeters.
*Height: 50 cm
*Width: 35 cm
*Carefully and expertly assembled by experienced florists
Benefits of an Artificial Bouquet:
Artificial bouquets offer a wide range of advantages, making them an excellent choice for any space.
*Maintenance-free: No watering or pruning required.
*Realistic: High-quality materials provide a natural-looking appearance.
*Allergy-friendly: Perfect for people with allergies.
*Season-independent: Enjoy your favorite flowers all year round.
Looking for a different bouquet? Then check out our full range of artificial bouquets here